Original Prints

We stock a selection of collectable signed Limited Edition original prints from leading Australian artists.

Visit our showroom to discuss framing options and browse our curated range of contemporary frames.

We ship Australia wide (charges apply). Prints can be shipped either framed or rolled in a cylinder.

  • A wide selection of sizes and price points available

  • Prints can be framed to your specifications and needs

  • All framing options subject to quotes

To place an order, contact Studio Craft.


Printmaking is the process of creating an artwork by the transfer of ink onto paper, but also onto fabric, metal or other substrates.

Common techniques include: etching, lithography, lino cuts, wood cuts and screen prints. These techniques have the capacity to create multiple impressions of the same image, although slight variations can occur from print to print.

This process forms the edition of a limited number (e.g. 100 copies). Each impression is given a unique number within the edition (e.g. 1/100 or 21/100, and so on). It will usually be titled and is signed by the artist.

The artist also has the option of creating an A/P (Artist’s Proof) or W/P (Working Proof). Artist’s Proofs are considered the same as a numbered print, however a Working Proof is quite rare; it is a unique impression produced while the artist is still developing the work, allowing them to check the progress of the artwork before making further changes.